Welcome to IEUMUN

Welcome to IEUMUN 2024, proudly hosted by the students of IE University in Madrid from October 31st to November 3rd. As Europe’s largest charity Model United Nations conference, we are dedicated to setting the gold standard for both academic excellence and organizational precision. We are excited to offer a unique conference experience that combines impactful debates with unforgettable cultural engagements. We invite you to jointly advance our knowledge, challenge global perspectives, and create lasting memories. Mark your calendars and do not miss out on making history with us at IEUMUN 2024, where quality meets legacy.

Disarmament and International Security

Demilitarization of the Arctic Ocean

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Exploring Effective Measures to Facilitate Voluntary Repatriation

Special Political and Decolonization Committee

Addressing the Situation in Somaliland

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Assessing the Efficacy and Impact of Decriminalization Policies on Drugs

Economic and Financial Affairs Council

Advancing Financial Inclusion: Harnessing Technology for Equitable Access

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Future Expansion of NATO / Role of NATO in Shaping World Order

United Nations Security Council

Situation in the Sahel Region Conflict Zones

Commission on the Status of Women

The Role of Quotas as a Form of Women Empowerment

Press Committee

Media Reporting

Comité Olímpico

Candidaturas para los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano 2036

Crisis I: Mengchang

Civilization Building in Ancient China.

Crisis II: Pingyuan

Civilization Building in Ancient China.

Crisis III: Xinling

Civilization Building in Ancient China.

Crisis IV: Chunshen

Civilization Building in Ancient China.
